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I am a college student who loves music, art and makeup.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

L’oreal Extra-Volume Collagen Mascara Review

Brand : L'oreal
Price: retails between 5-8 Dollars
Where to buy: Target, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens.

I’m a huge fan of mascaras, because of the fact that I have very few lashes and I am up for anything that will help these sad looking lashes look better. The more thicker a mascara makes my lashes look, the better. The L’oreal mascara I got was in black. On the back of the packaging it claims that this mascara has “lash plumping technology with hydra-collagen” which means more volume and thicker lashes. 

What I like about it: I like the fact that this mascara came with a big wand. In my personal opinion the wand helps with the application of the product, a flimsy wand is not going to do so well compared to a big wand when applying mascara. The wand brought out just enough product for my lashes. I like the fact that it didn’t have a bad smell to it. I liked how it made my lashes look more thicker and it exaggerated the length of my lashes which was a plus.

What I didn’t like: I did not like the clumps. When you get volume you tend to get clumps and I got a couple of those on my lashes. The mascara did not make my lashes “12x thicker” like it said it would. When I think of the word “collagen” I think of plump lips, so I would assume it would really thicken my lashes. It did but not enough for me to think of the word “collagen” when I used it.

I think this mascara is great if you need to go out and buy a cheap mascara. It does the job any other mascara would. Though on my lashes, it did not do an amazing job. Then again it depends on the persons lashes because my lashes are little to begin with.

(the first pic is of my natural lashes, and the second pic is with the mascara on)

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